Japan is the country at have the progress in robot development for help human, include a robot "Ifbot" permanent robot is nursing home, that can talk, sing, emotions and can communicate for loosen the loneliness
Ifbot (Interface Robot) is a communication robot, there is the height 45 cm (18") prices 495,000 Yen ($4,300). Which, majority people might feel that not important. Because of think, robot usability get into trouble complicated and exceed more old people will can use. but, the producer has learnt in products development for befit with requirement in everyday life of old people ; such as, get into trouble in the sight as a result must make all character read easy, there is large-sized button for the convenience in press and have a voice at distinct loud , etc.,
The robot can perform functions such as conversation, calculator, puzzles, memory games, advice, medical check among the 15 functions it has. Designed to be especially expressive, ifbot can record, store, and playback voice messages, and sing and dance. Ifbot has blinking eyes, and 108 LEDs inside his face light up in a variety of patterns to simulate expressions, similar to NEC’s PaPeRo. There are tens of thousands of possible conversation patterns relating to daily life.
Designers: Business Design Laboratory
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