
February 01, 2010

Apple Black Hole, the holographic phone for the year 2020

The pace with which technology is progressing in modern era, we can’t even visualize the form and functioning of the gadgets in the days to come. Now we don’t have any other option than to bank on the vision or insight of the designers, giving the glimpse of futuristic technology and gadgets.

The Apple Black Hole concept, is an identical cellphone concept that makes use of holographic technology to control all functions and web applications. Designed for the year 2020,the holographic phone also incorporates a charging base, Prism and the Black Hole. As soon as you open your hand, the central ball levitates to control the functions in mid-air. And when attached to the charging base, the Black Hole becomes a desktop device, allowing endless possibilities to the geeks.

Designer: Josselin Zaïgouche

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5 Comment:

Unknown on July 8, 2012 at 2:05 AM said...

hey wat is the price of this gadget..??

Unknown on July 25, 2012 at 12:07 AM said...

amazing phone..

Anonymous said...

in 2022 it would be obsolete because it will not support IOS31......

Anonymous said...

Sick phone

wehackdem on November 20, 2012 at 7:00 AM said...

Is this real?

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