
August 26, 2010

MP3 Player Creative, listen to the music from the wrist

The MP3 Player like portable great that. But if, you haven't a bag will add it, in case that you wear it that your wrist
Brazilian designer Dinard da Mata has developed another wearable gadget that becomes a fashion accessory to complement the style of next-gen users. Hailed as "MP3 Player Creative," the portable music player features a flexible OLED screen that other than displaying the playlist also lets the user select the song or control volume with just a touch of a finger. Worn around the wrist like a bracelet, the MP3 concept gives easy access of the functions to the user. In addition, the sleek music player includes wireless headphones to offer clutter-free music on the go.
Designer: Dinard da Mata

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40 Comment:

andrine on January 9, 2012 at 9:44 PM said...

woooow... how much does it cost..??
n wea is it available in india.?

Anonymous said...

when and where can i get one?

Anonymous said...

when will this be on markets
dying to have one
awesome design..............hats oof designer

Unknown on June 22, 2012 at 12:25 AM said...

where can I buy It ??? please ...

goku on June 22, 2012 at 2:12 PM said...

awesome whts the price.... nd where wil i get dis....

Anonymous said...

Shut up and take my money!

Unknown on June 23, 2012 at 6:11 PM said...

I need it how it cost
Call me +919947964373

Anonymous said...

fashion accessory at the same time gadget.,. nice one.please where and when we can get this..?? please post

Anonymous said...

In India it is roughly supposed to be 5000 rupees, which means in America it will be 88 dollars, less than an Ipod.

Unknown on July 2, 2012 at 2:02 AM said...

Where can i buy this?

Anonymous said...

How much?

Anonymous said...

what is the web site to order?

Anonymous said...

Uhm hello suppid people... This is only a DESIGN CONCEPT and it is not in the market yet for at least 5 years. iBangle was created way back 2008 and yet, they did not even release it yet. SO, fantasize with CREATIVE MP3 Player

Unknown on July 23, 2012 at 10:10 AM said...

where in India is it avalaible to be purchased?

Anonymous said...

Where can I buy this?

Unknown on July 24, 2012 at 9:41 AM said...

How much does it cost and where can I order one. Please respond to this by email at

Anonymous said...

does anyone know where to purchase this from? Seriously will purchase! Need the details

Anonymous said...

how much does this cost...its so awesummmmmmm...i so damn want it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The cost is $88.99 any more questions?

Anonymous said...

it's still a concept.

Anonymous said...

how much is that ?

Unknown on July 26, 2012 at 11:01 PM said...

I want to know the amount of this gadget

my mail id is

me rahul

Anonymous said...

Where can I get this?

Anonymous said...

where in India is it avalaible to be purchased????? wat's the price....

Anonymous said...

how much is it?? where can i get it?? I WOULD LOVE O HAVE ONE!!

Anonymous said...

hurry and put it on the market I want 1 so bad

Anonymous said...

I'll sell you guys one. Send me 350 bucks in cash. I'll send one right back to ya.

Anonymous said...

Ok "Anonymous" I see that you said this is a concept right now..Unlike most of these people, I can read. Is this something they will consider or are considering to do anytime soon? Just curious because, this is a pretty cool idea.

Anonymous said...

lol just like every1 else, i defintely want 1 of these!! wish they would come out with these REALLY soon!! i'll probably even use it more than my ipod touch (:

Anonymous said...

Where can u get one of these

Anonymous said...

This concept is cool but what if you lose and earbud?

Anonymous said...

i want one NOW...... ASAP/THIZZ

Anonymous said...

i want one how much and where cna i buy one

Anonymous said...

I'd give my left nut for one of these :)

benjamin said...

It might be more than 88 dollars

Anonymous said...

Much like his Fluid Smartphone, Brazilian designer Dinard da Mata has developed another wearable gadget that becomes a fashion accessory to complement the style of next-gen users. Hailed as “MP3 Player Creative,” the portable music player features a flexible OLED screen that other than displaying the playlist also lets the user select the song or control volume with just a touch of a finger. Worn around the wrist like a bracelet, the MP3 concept gives easy access of the functions to the user. In addition, the sleek music player includes wireless headphones to offer clutter-free music on the go.

Immu on January 27, 2013 at 1:59 PM said...

I am really interested in it.Can anyone help me to buy this.Please send me the information to

Anonymous said...

I would really like to know when this is available and how much it will be. I would be so happy to run with this instead of a stupid ipod.

Unknown on August 15, 2013 at 7:30 PM said...

please tell me the price i wiil buy it now

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