
January 18, 2010

The iMo, an Apple-Inspired Vehicle

Strange-looking really for concept design this vehicle at see resemble a vacuum cleaner. But, in fact concept of design this from the liking in Apple’s and wants to be environmentally friendly. Which, this vehicle is only a student project for Coventry University with no commercial means. This vehicle calls that iMo

iMo is a city car that is designed to accompany the users as it seems alive with the insertion of several organic parts. Using advanced form changing material, exploring the possibility of robotics to bring a new and simplified approach to personal mobility. It is round in shape and available in colors like yellow, blue, red and black. They have a transparent shield to cover the interior which makes it a fully secured car. The wheels are small, smoothly polished by immensely efficient at the same time

“iMo have design is based on the Apple philosophy which consists in applying a process of elimination to come up with simple and elegant solutions, by means of cutting edge technology. The result is a two-wheel robot designed to assist you throughout your daily life. There is no need to wonder where to park iMo, it takes you where you want and go to park by itself using specific parking systems called iPark. In fact, having no stationary vehicle in the streets to liberate ground space is the main concept of iMo+iPark. To do so iMoparks against building walls, underground or even in the sky. Amongst other originalities, iMo features form-changing seats and wheels made of Nitinol and a holographic gesture-recognition driving system.” Designer says

Designer: Anthony Jannarelly

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