
August 20, 2010

Kia POP: Zero-emission car from Korea

The attention in the environment or decrease global warming appears continuously go to the worldwide and fresh country of motor vehicle, Korea that have good idea at want to do energy clean automobile also

The "Kia POP" is a car concept that features a unique bubbly design to attract gen-next users. Presenting a massive windscreen that stretches all the way back to allow a transparent roof, the commuter car accommodates two passengers on one single curvaceous bench seat, hopefully, in comfort. Generating power from an all-electric drive train, the compact car can be recharged by plugging it into a regular wall socket used at homes. Placing the passenger sits slightly ahead of the driver, the electric car allows more room cargo area at the rear.

Now, many automobile camp still head for to develop new model car will to is like to insert the plug charge more and more, especially the group "City Car" which have small-sized more and more and testify drive that improve. Kia pop regard concept car that begin for the first time and in the future still must have the development before produce prototype car and next to mass production

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