
August 04, 2010

"Chapit" a robot remembers the speech

A robot communicates "Chapit" of RayTron is a household robot that develop to upward for controlling home appliances by chapit that has voice-recognition technology allowing it to respond to spoken phrases and commands, allowing it to serve as a voice-activated universal remote in your living room.

Chapit's name be from three words: chat+pico (small)+robot and develop from concept idea that friendliness, simplicity, and convenience.

Its head of chapit that can nod and tilt and its feet can move independently from the body, which can swivel in place. The eyes and mouth shapes are built up of several LEDs that can display a small selection of states, like opening and closing. It has will large ears at is the microphones for pick up voice commands (around 1000 words) and its embedded speaker and speech synthesis function allow it to respond using a database of associated words and phrases.

Besides controlling home appliances, Chapit can update its data through mobile phones with infrared capability, or through wireless internet connection. An optional feature currently under development is a camera which can send images to the user’s cellphone, PDA, or laptop.

Designed: RayTron

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