
July 01, 2010

LOOP-IN: Hybrid Concept surfing in the wheel skate

The heart of ride a bicycle is "balance" like automobile, ride not excellent or spin slow never mind, but keep one's balance good be enough

LOOP-IN is a concept transportation system crafted by combining the surfing and the skate facility. The rider can enjoy the ultimate speed on the wheels and can do some surfing acrobatics at the same time. While the wheels can rotate on almost any type of surface, the plate will rotate in its interior independently. It is like pushing by a wave continuously. Initially, the rider will have to acquire the abilities to dominate the control of these wheels on any kind of lands and at the same time learning to keep balance inside the wheels is a must. Therefore, all range of adventure lovers will like the combination of these two sports activities when riding on LOOP-IN

Designer: Marcial Ahsayane

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