
June 15, 2010

Robot Cyclops, a friend loves one eyes

We've seen many humanoid robot and get see the development designing of each make, that try build humanoid robot give like a human or be friendly with a human most.

Myon, a humanoid robot created by Neurorobotics Research Laboratory at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Myon is about as tall as a 12-year old child when standing, it is humanoid robot that have body make of fiberglass reinforced polycarbonate shells and compose sports multiple cross-links and with prominent special point at glowing blue lights inside it.
Myon, still have the prominent point at it has one eyes is like a Cyclops or might call it that "Robot Cyclops" all right and it no fearful follow its name because it is friendly very much

Designer: Frackenpohl Poulheim

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