
June 18, 2010

Murasaki-bot, princess robot tale narrator

You want to listen or record a tale or a story at you feel to impress yes? It might is tale impresses unforgettably and may want to give someone, your child, grandchild or sweetheart tell a tale gives you listens

Wow! This is one cute looking robot! It is very small robot like the real doll, but it’s modeled after 10th century noblewoman Lady Murasaki Shikibu.

Murasaki-bot is robot that design is like 10th century noblewoman Lady and this might designing that feel to be Japanese product ever. Which, this is robot at like reading or tell a story "The Tale of Genji" (often considered the oldest novel in existence). She reads you her famous novel Tale of Genji via an internal MP3 player while making relevant gestures from her era to emphasize dramatic moments.

Designer: Takahashi Tomotaka

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