
November 16, 2009

AIRPod the car run by compresses air concept

Several companies are dashing in on creating the environment-friendly car of the future. We already have heard of cars that run on solar power, recycled cooking oil among others, but MDI is taking things in a completely different location.

MDI developer Air Compresses Technology for use in a car comes to 20 years get develop,and AIRPod the Car that Runs on Compressed Air

AIRPod unique engine works by using electricity to compress huge amounts of air in small tanks. Then, the air is slowly released from the tanks, driving the pistons that move the car. This eco-friendly car can seat up to three people, with one facing backwards, and is ideal for leisurely city driving.

With small size, a tiny price, zero pollution, fun and futuristic design, AIRPod mark a turning point in the range of urban vehicles while renewing the idea of the automobile and transportation. You can drive with a joystick.
AIRPod, version is designed for the transport of persons. It has four seats (3 adults and one child) and has space for luggage, car weight about 210-220 kg and can running maximum 220 km. top speed to 45-70 kph by take time the air compressor picks to reach until full bucket just minute a half only

AIRPod will hopefully be available in the United States by 2010, which is licensed by Tata Motors for use in India and Europe.

Developer: MDI

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